Thursday, July 19, 2007

Enough Is Enough

A friend of mine sent me a great quote today:

My idea of forgiveness is letting go of resentment that does not serve your
better interest, ridding yourself of negative thoughts. All they do is make
you miserable. Believe me, you can fret and fume all you want, but whoever
it was that wronged you is not suffering from your anguish whatsoever.

I would clarify this statement to edit the portion about being wronged...there was none of that really. We both used our relationship as a weapon against the other. Look where it got us.
The most important thing to think about now is the future...I have been waiting and waiting for something that will never happen: a reaction from him. Why would I get now what I could never get when we were together?
This forum has been an amazing outlet for my feelings, but the time has come to drop the baggage...who wants to read depressing messages filled with tales of woe? NOBODY
Suffice it to say-I am better off now that I am FREE!
Yes, I used the term free...because in a very real sense I am is he
Now is the time to emerge from the weight of this relationship...baggage I brought, and baggage we both acquired along the way.
I don't blame him for the things that transpired-he was doing what humans do-protecting himself
The saddest thing to me is that his biggest fear when we were together was that he felt too much, and that I required too much of an investment of raw emotion.
I can finally let go of the idea that my excess of feeling/emotion is a isn't at all
I know now that he just couldn't handle it-and I suspect he never will be able to
Good luck finding someone exactly like yourself...I fear you are going to need it
Why was I bitter about reports of what he has been doing since the split? Because I felt that there was no mourning: no respect for the death of our togetherness.
I think there was a mourning period for him-it occurred way before we separated. I see now that it was over for him far earlier than it was for me.
Bottom line-it doesn't matter anymore...I have a life to live, and I need to remember that!
So...thank you for the gift of love-for that I will be forever grateful
I will always love you!

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