Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Day of Beauty!

How many men out there have wanted to get a pedicure, but have been to intimidated to try?
I too was very hesitant to get one...that is-until I had my first one.
Let me tell you-BLISS!
It dawned on me today as I was having the funk of 40,000 years sawed off my heels that everyone should experience it. Think about it-it is summer, and flip-flops have replaced any other form of footwear...all done with virtually no concern given to the idea that our feet have been locked up beneath socks and heavy boots-at least here in the Midwest. Imagine if you will sitting on the CTA Red Line, and across from you are any number of people, all with toes exposed...without a clipper in sight. Vivid image, I know, but the truth hurts.
So there I am, toes scrubbed and nails buffed, getting a manicure, when I actually look around me and notice the surroundings.
Two things jumped out at me:
First-every nail salon on Earth is EXACTLY the wall divided into thirds-the top third dry wall, the middle third beveled glass that makes everything look like a fun house, and the bottom third some sort of pastel wallpaper featuring "Southwest" abstract shapes mixed with outlines of leaves.
Second-the Vietnamese language is a very interesting mixture of sounds and signals that is percussive, interesting, and totally monosyllabic. No offense meant by these statements. It brought to mind a monotone xylophone...a series of very short, very staccato sounds that convey worlds of information in the shortest possible sound. I was fascinated, and was sure the woman was discussing something mind boggling. Turns out all they were discussing was the purchase of new pedicure chairs...
This, coupled with the television over my head playing an endless loop of Spice Girls videos and "behind the scenes" clips of their lives left me feeling both overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the exact same time.
Point being-if you have not, you need to stop at the Glamour Nails near you and see what I mean!

1 comment:

Andrea Knapp said...

At my place, they just have continuous Discovery Channel on the telly. But I totally need to go again and get another pedicure.

Thanks for reminding me!