Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Cult of Personality

Hello to all! I must say-I am overwhelmed by the reaction to my having a blog...thank you to all that have sent comments to me.
I fretted about what my next installment would entail, and I finally decided I wanted to ask a few questions, as well as give you a view into my twisted view of life.
As a preface, I must say that last night we (Michael and I) were watching the video of Anna Nicole Smith painted up to look like Pennywize the Clown, as well as photos of Britney Spears shearing her dyed locks. My first question is 2-fold:
(A) Do we really care that much that mediocre singers are walking around bald?
and-if the answer to that question is yes, then
(B) Why?
While I would love to say that I am "above all of that", and look with distain at the National Enquirer-I have to admit, I am as engaged as everyone else in the mayhem...there is something comforting in the idea that there are people in the world that are MORE UNSTABLE THAN I THINK I AM!
My personal view is that we love to see the tragi-comedy of Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, and their ilk because we see a bit of us in it all-the desperate need to be recognized, the struggle to erase the idea that we LOVE green bean casserole with Durkee's Fried onions on top. In them we see us sitting in front of the television shoveling in generic Wheat Thins with spray cheese....desperate to find out if the latest contestant will succeed on Deal Or No Deal!
A few other questions to put out there for discussion/comment/debate would be:

Why is it that you never see Michael Jackson and LaToya Jackson in the same room?
(My opinion-they are the SAME PERSON)

Is plastic surgery worth distorting your look so much that people think you look like a skinned cat?

Does Clay Aiken REALLY need to come out? Don't we all know the answer already?

As Linda Richmond would say (with press-on nails flaired dramatically)...DISCUSS!


Ms Mac said...

A) Yes, I do care that Britney is walking around bald.

B) Because I am so close to cutting all of my hair off just to see how grey I am (and what I'd look like with short hair) that it's frightening. If Breakdown Britney can't pull it off, then I suppose neither could I. Phew!

I think the only person who had plastic surgery and actully looked better afterwards was Roseanne.

I don't really know who Clay Aiken is, I saw him on an episode of Scrubs once.

CanadianSwiss said...

Hmmmm. Lemme think.

To A) No, but the poor kids.
B) Refer to answer A)

You might be right. Plastic surgery? Minor, maybe. Major, no.

Who's Clay Aiken (sorry, I don't get all of these programs in Switzerland)

Michael Lehet said...

I thought you liked my green bean casserole?

Andrea Knapp said...


I saw ANS and the clown face and wanted to throw up. I mean that REALLY brought home just how bad things were and also how much the Howard guy was exploiting her. (I knew he was but really, to this level?)

As far as BritBrit.... Well, I think she looks OK with the bald look and I completely understand why she did it. She's young, has been a millionaire for like EVER and has basically had NO private life at all. She was bound to crack at some point or another.

Like Ms Mac says though, since she did the deed, I have ALSO been contemplating changes with my look. That may be a future posting of mine - 'blonde or brunette? You Decide'


The Sour Kraut said...

I don't care about Brittney or Anna.

I do care about plastic surgery. Ashley Simpson is the only person who, in my opinion, looks better afterwards. Men should NEVER get their eyes done...NEVER!!!!

The Sour Kraut said...
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The Sour Kraut said...

Oh, The Boyfriend. Michael must have forgotten to tell you that blogging isn't a one-time thing.

We're anxiously awaiting your next post.