Friday, May 11, 2007

Does It Really Exist?

In my reading of blogs out there, I have noticed that most tend to discuss their day, or what they are reading, or what movies they have seen. While I intend to use this forum for just such discussions as well, this post has a much different slant. Please bear with me while I lay the foundation for a philosophical question I have been wondering about.
One of my favorite movies is West Side Story, which is based on the Shakespeare tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. For those of you that aren't familiar with the story: two people of opposite ethnic/social/religious backgrounds find each other and fall in love. Knowing they can never be together within the confines of their families, they decide to run away. Fate, of course, intervenes, and the end of the story is that one or both of them ends up dead.
I know-how cheery a topic!
What compels me most about the story itself is the utter abandon the two exhibit with their feelings. They are shy and timid when they first meet, but they realize that something magical is happening between them. Once they let themselves be swept up in the emotion of it all, there is nothing that will separate them-both physically and spiritually.
As evidenced by the famous lyric-Only death will part us now.
Little did they know how true that would turn out to be...right?
Granted, there have been countless movies/books/songs written about love, but in my opinion, none capture the pure joy and passion of Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story.
Now, having been in long term relationships, I understand that life gets in the way, and passion that "burns with the fire of 1000 suns" does not last in the midst of dirty laundry, burned dinners, and recycling that needs to be dealt with, but is it really life that gets in the way?
As eluded to in the title of this post-Does the kind of love that makes Romeo and Juliet so powerful really exist?
If you think you have an answer-let me know-DH

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Podcast is LIVE!

So...last I posted-I was telling you about being a special guest on the Loopyfruit podcast. The session is now live and ready for your listening pleasure!
I thought it was incredibly fun, but I was horrified to hear my own voice. I am SUCH a FAG!
Oh well-I have embraced it about myself, but sometimes it is rattling to confront that sort of thing...catch my drift?
One observation-my boyfriend recorded his podcast, and his word of choice was FABULOUS, and when I recorded my podcast, my word of choice was AMAZING!
(Do the words I use make me sound gay?)
There is a chance that my boyfriend and I will be starting a podcast of our own, and we are pondering the name "Amazing and Fabulous: Do these GENES make me look gay?" (must credit the spelling of the word genes to my boyfriend)
Let us know what you think about that...

Monday, May 7, 2007 Special Guest!

As you all know-my wonderful boyfriend was the special guest on a podcast He was breathless with excitement when he recorded, and the result was classic him-very funny and charming
Well-this past Saturday, I had the honor and pleasure of recording a podcast session with them. Can I just tell you-it was AMAZING!
We laughed, we cried-we did our nails....
I will be back with more when the podcast is posted-DH

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


For those of you who do not know...which I presume is all of you-I have decided to take voice lessons. I love to sing, and usually do it in the car-windows open, as I belt out whichever part of the score to "Sunset Boulevard" I happen to like at the moment. I could be Norma Desmond, Joe-the writer, or a clueless background singer letting us know that an apartment with no roaches would be her Hollywood dream. Makes no difference to me.
I really wanted to find out what my range is, as well as what my voice can do, so I registered at the Old Town School of Folk Music for Vocal Techniques I.
Last night was the first meeting-and I am SO VERY EXCITED about it.
There are 15 of us in the class, and we all looked at eachother tentatively as we began, but slowly we lost our nerves and just let things happen.

The instructor asked us to discuss why we were taking the class, what sorts of music we are into, and if we had any musical background. Here were my answers to these various inquiries:
WHY?-so I can learn my range and see what my voice can do
WHAT?-pretty much anything

I also informed her that the real reason for my taking lessons was to BECOME A CABARET ACT!!!!!

There was not much singing yesterday-but we did discuss breathing (diaphragmatic and intercostal breathing), how your vocal chords work, and how to create vowel sounds to strengthen the voice. She also stressed relaxation and using the body in order to create strong sound...very interesting!

I will keep you all posted on how it the way-if you have any suggestions as to what numbers should be included in my cabaret set, feel free to pass them along!-DH